May 24, 2007

error ID no: c0070005

I try to gain access to a tab in Exchange System Manager (from Active Directory Users and Computers Management), I have received the following error message:

Access is denied.
Facility: Win32
ID no: c0070005

I don't know why.. As long as I can remember, I haven't touch any security settings at Exchange Server nor DC as well.

Then I've found this solutions from

If you try to access the Locales tab on a server in Exchange System Manager and you receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section, check the permissions settings on the following registry key:


If you try to access the Directory Access tab on a server in Exchange System Manager and you receive this error message, check the permissions on the following registry key :


You must have at least Read permissions on these keys to access these tabs in Exchange System Manager.

Then, I am done!

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