October 31, 2007

Cannot copy: path is too deep

Pernah dapat mesej error ini masa copy file antara host melalui network?

"Cannot copy file namafile.ext. path is too deep"

Google-google... macam2 penyelesaian yg ada. Antaranya tak configure WINS server, DFC dan lain2...

Situasinya macam ni. That pretty message prompted while I was copying a file from my pc to the server. It is Microsoft Windows 2003 Standard Server and my pc running on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2. The server has two NICs working and teamed into one network.

What I've done were (these are fail attempts):
1. Configure WINS Server.
2. Reset privilege to that particular folder.
3. Reset shared permission to that folder.
4. Restart the server.
5. Reconfigure the network.

Finally, when my head just about to explode, I found something not right. One of the NICs running on 100mbps which is supposed to be GigaBit. *tuuut*... who the *tuuuut* has done this? Then after I've change the speed to auto (it is forced to be 1000mbps at the network switch port), everything is going to be ok.

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